What's new in JPIC? Read the Editors’ Essay to find out!
From its inception, the Journal of Public Interest Communications has sought to merge the interests of academics and practitioners to broaden our perspectives and forge new paths in the field. After introducing new practitioner content in the last issue, we now invite you to dive into Volume 7, Issue 2, which includes both original research and a complementary practitioner interview. As we grow the field and explore new avenues for researchers and practitioners to collaborate, it is important to remember we must be mindful of the voices we represent in our work.
Highlights a Raleigh, NC nonprofit with a pay-what-you-can model cafe that is addressing local food insecurity. Examines the power of fostering a sense of community and dignity to build a more equitable community at the grassroots level.
Explores how creative arts (like puppetry) can be used to convey critical health messages, particularly young audiences. Offers valuable guidance for communicators seeking to develop innovative strategies for advancing public health goals.