Uncover major themes emerging from the #ILookLikeAProfessor hashtag Twitter campaign and consider future research avenues for hashtag activism.
The focus of this study was to identify themes that emerged on the publicly-posted #ILookLikeAProfessor hashtag Twitter campaign during August 2015. This qualitative content analysis explored tweets (n=1,855) from www.twitter.com/#ILookLikeAProfessor. Through qualitative open and inductive coding methods, four major themes were derived from the Twitter campaign among participants: 1) discussing diversity, 2) addressing appearance, 3) identifying self, and 4) using visual support. Researchers offer ideas for future study about this campaign and hashtag activism.
Reviews Phoebe Hart's examination of documentary filmmaking in the post-COVID era. Analyzes how filmmakers can balance creative vision with subject agency while adapting to new funding models and work-life considerations.
Explores how strategic storytelling can support justice reform and second chances.