Uncover major themes emerging from the #ILookLikeAProfessor hashtag Twitter campaign and consider future research avenues for hashtag activism.
Explore how U.S. news outlets used narrative storytelling to engage audiences and maintain interest in the tragic kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls.
Investigate La Peña Cultural Center's 44-year history as a change agent amplifying marginalized voices, showcasing the interdisciplinary breadth of public interest communications.
Examine attitudes toward corporations' role in public interest communications and explore demographic differences in response to high-profile corporate social advocacy cases through a nationally representative U.S. survey.
Delve into PETA's direct-action strategies as public interest communications and understand how these persuasive, on-the-ground messages contribute to contemporary social change.
Examine e-cigarette companies' message strategies on Twitter and their engagement with potential customers in light of new FDA regulations on sales and distribution.
Uncover the factors behind the clean coal Twitter engagement spike in Australia and its implications for the PR campaign objectives.
Explore the connections between narrative, professional identity, and reputation management in public education through interviews and focus groups with high-achieving educators.
Unravel the impact of CSR fit, partnership stage, and individuals' activism levels on attitudes toward companies and nonprofits in a study examining public relations advocacy in CSR communication.
Examine the effects of narrative perspective and intergroup interaction in transgender-related media content on attitudes, transportation, and elevation responses.